Multă atenție cei care dețineți conturi de paypal!

De aproximativ o săptămână tot primesc mail-uri de la adrese fake, care îmi cer de cele mai multe ori să mă loghez în contul meu de paypal, pentru că a apărut o problemă. Prima dată chiar am crezut că este ceva real și dacă nu eram obișnuită să deschid paypal-ul într-o altă bară de adresă puteam chiar să dau click pe acel link.
Suma despre care discuta este una mare, lucru care pe oricare dintre noi ne-ar fi făcut curioși și din nefericire cei care dădeau click le ofereau acces celorlalți. Uitați cum arăta primul mail primit:
Transaction Date: 20 Oct 2015
Transaction Amount: -$146.98 USD
Invoice ID: PBORB001416635
Your Transaction ID: 52F35264RT427004D
Case Number: PP-003-809-706-897

Buyer's Transaction ID: 52F35264RT427004D

The seller has been asked to provide more information about this
transaction. During our investigation, the funds will not be available in
your PayPal account. If the case is decided in your favour, we will refund
you for the amount of the transaction.

To see the details of this case, log in to your PayPal account and go to the Resolution Centre.
sign in to your account and update your informations to make sure that your account is safe and your payment are secure.
Please Log In Now
Totul părea să vină chiar de la cei de la paypal, inclusiv adresa de e-mail, pentru cei care vor să se convingă dacă un mail este real sau nu sunt câteva lucruri de știut:
-          În primul rând cei de la Paypal se adresează cu Hello și numele cu care a-ți făcut contul.
-          În al doilea rând adresa este .ro și fără alte liniuțe.
-          Cei de la paypal niciodată nu o să vă ceară parola sau alte date!
Aveți mare grijă atunci când deschideți un astfel de e-mail.
Atenție când primiți astfel de mail-uri dați forward către adresa de e-mail, de aici cei de la Paypal își vor face treaba.

Attention to those who own PayPal accounts!
For about a week I keep getting emails from fake addresses that I often ask me to log into my paypal account, because there was a problem. The first time I really thought that something is real and if it was not usual to open PayPal site to another address bar could even clicked on the link.
The amount which discuss is one big thing that any of us would have been curious and unfortunately those who gave them access click others. Look how the first show received mail:
"Transaction Date: October 20, 2015
Transaction Amount: - $ 146.98 USD
Invoice ID: PBORB001416635
Your Transaction ID: 52F35264RT427004D
Case Number: PP-003-809-706-897

Buyer's Transaction ID: 52F35264RT427004D

The seller has been Asked to Provide More Information about this
transaction. During our Investigation, the funds Will not Be Available in
your PayPal account. IF the case is decided in your Favour, We Will Refund
you for the amount of the transaction.

To see the details of this case, log in to your PayPal account and go to the Resolution Centre.

Sign in to your account and update your Informations to make sure your account is safe That and your payment is secure.

Please Log In Now

Everything seemed to come right from the people at PayPal, including e-mail, for those who want to be satisfied if an email is real or not are some things to know:
- Primarily those from Paypal with Hello addresses and names that have done the account.
- Secondly address is .com and no other lines.
- The PayPal will never ask you for your password or other data!
Take great care when you open such an email.
Caution When you receive such mails give forward e-mail to, hence those from Paypal will do the job.